Contact & Company
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Company Name : GIG Karasek GmbH
Legal Form : Company with limited liability
- Dipl. Ing. Julia Aichhorn, MBA
- Dipl. Ing. Andreas Schnitzhofer, MBA
Headquarter : Gloggnitz-Stuppach
Adress: Neusiedlerstraße 15-19, 2640 Gloggnitz-Stuppach, AUSTRIA
Phone: +43 2662 42780
Fax: +43 2662 42824
Company Nr.: FN 108667 f
Commercial register court: Provincial Court of Wr. Neustadt
UID-Number: ATU 19506602
Authority acc. ECG: District Commission Neunkirchen | District Commission Vöcklabruck | Magistrate of the City of Graz
Duty to inform E-Commerce: Duty to inform according to §5 Abs.1 E-Commerce-Gesetz (ECG)
DVR: 0116785
Picture credits: Unless otherwise indicated, photos / pictures / graphics are the property of GIG Karasek GmbH and may only be used with written consent.
The Website was created by GIG Karasek GmbH – A Member of Dr. Aichhorn Group